are invited to participate in this series of snapshots of poets' reading
habits. For information, go HERE.]
JohmBloomberg-Rissman on Reading
1) What are you reading now? As well, what
is in your To-Read-Soon stack?
Reading now:
EJ Swift, Osiris (dystopian-future SF; takes place
in the 2300s; the people who live in a city purpose built to survive the coming
climate disaster and a number of man-made plagues, etc now believe it is the
last outpost of humans in the world; at the same time they haven’t learned
anything about cooperation; reminds me a bit of China Miéville’s The City and The City)
Louis-Auguste Blanqui, Eternity by the Stars (post-Paris
Commune cosmology from a prison cell; more depressing in some ways than
Nietzsche’s vision of the eternal return, yet, as Sean Bonney notes re this
book, “Within an infinite universe, defeat is always inevitable, but so also is
victory.” Somewhere, somehow …)
Corneluis Castoriadis, The Imaginary Institution of Society
(post-68 semi-post-Marxist/Lacanian thought piece for revolutionaries on how to
move forward after all the revolutions of the c19 and 20 have collapsed;
written in the 70s, and goes well with D&G’s Anti-Oedipus, Lyotard’s Libidinal
Economy, etc)
Simon Jarvis, The Unconditional (book-length
contemporary “Cambridge school” poem, an epic sort of series of digressions but
with a subtle forward movement; reminds me in a way of Rachel Blau DuPlessis’s Drafts)
John Edgar Wideman, My Soul Has Grown Deep (anthology of
African-American autobiographies from the mid-c18 thru the Harlem Renaissance;
I just read about the founding of the first AME church, and was struck by the
fact that its charter was voted on by the male members ONLY of the congregation;
it apparently never occurred to the men that tho they had been discriminated
against by the white methodists, they were now in turn discriminating against
women; yes, it was the c18, but Mary Wollstoncraft lived in the c18 … I wonder
how long it will take humans to learn all we have to learn …)
Benoit Peeters, Derrida (biography; very good; did you
realize that Derrida was not “white”? I’ve never thought about his obsessions
in terms of his personal and generational history so much before)
Cyprian Broodbank, The Making of the Middle Sea: A History of
the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World
(archaeology; brilliant; scary – I mean, I think sentences like, “Nothing much
changed vis-à-vis tool making for the next 400,000 years” have something
terrifying about them)
To read soon:
Juliana Spahr and David
Buuck, An Army of Lovers
Stephanie Young, Ursula or University
Ivy Alvarez, Disturbance
Benjamin Hollander, In the
House Un-American
Iain M Banks, 3 novels from
the Culture series
Jean Rhys, The Complete Novels
Janet Kaplan, Remedios Varo: Unexpected Journeys
Armand Schwerner, The Tablets
EB White, Charlotte’s Web
Raya Dunayevskaya, Marxism & Freedom
Jean-Luc Nancy, The Inoperative Community
Rosa Luxemburg, Complete Works vol.1
Howard Eiland and Michael W
Jennings, Walter Benjamin: A Critical
21st Century Science Fiction (eds. David G Hartwell and Patrick Nielsen Hayden)
American Psychiatric
Association, Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5)
Ferdowsi, Shanemeh
Books in Bedroom
2) Please
share a comment about the books, e.g. recommendations, disappointments,
embarrassment (a "Guilty Pleasure"), that certain titles are
mandatory for your work, or anything else you want to share about your reading
The only comment I want to
make about these is: can you believe that I have NEVER read Charlotte’s Web???
One of Many Stack of Books
John, I'm so ill-read. I haven't read Charlotte's Web either!
It's a fun book. I recommend it. Especially if you can find occasion to read it aloud to a young child. It's one of the chapter books we read at bedtime to our kids.