Friday, July 14, 2017


(Photo by Laura Billingham)

Poet, healer and martial artist Rene Navarro ( considered an expert in and therefore qualified to teach acupuncture, dragon-well qigong, Xing shen Zhuang rehabilitative therapy, tai chi chuan Dao Ren and related forms, internal alchemy and spiritual practice, Chi Nei Tsang internal organs massage, Taoist philosophy, Shaolin kung fu or wushu, and arnis de mano--got that?) sent over the above photo of the "Fairy Child" pose that had inspired a poem--a different type of ekphrasis. I share both--Happy Friday. It's always fun to share this poem in a reading because I always end with the Kung Fu movement I learned from Rene (my weak attempt to be a bad-ass):

The poem is from my first U.S.-published book, REPRODUCTIONS OF THE EMPTY FLAGPOLE

and later reprinted in the Selected Prose Poems collection, THE THORN ROSARY

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