Saturday, November 29, 2014


Eleven years later I'm still unpacking.  Literally and not just metaphorically.  Which is to say, I recently took out of boxes a ceramic sculpture of our German Shepherds (Achilles and Gabriela) made by master ceramicist David Regan.  I vaguely recall sending him a poetry book or two at the time he was making these, and I believe the second image below may partly reflect some read he got out of REPRODUCTIONS OF THE EMPTY FLAGPOLE (I think).  Anyway, they're gorgeous and worth blathering about, to wit:

(Click on images to enlarge)

David Regan's fabulous draftsmanship creates a painterliness to these images that I adore.  I thank him for immortalizing my beloved dogs.  And if you take a look at the first image above, you'll see the link to the image which Mr. Regan sourced for inspiration -- this was from the first day Achilles and Gabriela met (an image that Allen Bramhall once mischievously cited as a visual metaphor for how poets, or certain poets, treat each other):