Monday, February 24, 2014


Yesterday morning, I couldn't find the print-out of a manuscript-in-progress.  I could feel my heartbeat elevate as I scoured the house top and bottom looking for the print-out.  I had an electronic file version in my computer but I also knew that I had written various notes on the print-out that the e-version doesn't capture.

Well, I couldn't find it.  So, in a panic, I went to the computer and printed out the e-version just to have something in hand and to look at it closely and perhaps redo some notes on it to the extent I could remember such notes.

My husband tried to calm me down but observing, "You're having a First World Problem."  That didn't help.  (Well, okay, it was amusing but I didn't laugh until the end of the day for reasons I'll  note below.)

So, I then had this print-out and started looking at it.  And looking at it.  And looking at it I realize that, actually, I might have enough in it already to create a new book!

So I formatted and edited and, actually, wrote 3 more poems to flesh out what I had and, Yep: I had a new book!

Then I checked my emails, learned about gradient press, a new press focused on experimentation and headed by the brilliant Jukka-Pekka Kervinen.  I emailed out a query to him in Finland (I adore these RADIANT FINNS and, truly, Jukka's radiance is linked to his brilliance!).  And, yep, this morning, my manuscript was accepted.

All in 24 hours and started by a panic attack.  This, my friends, is how I get my books published.  And, as it turns out, this book will probably be published sooner than my Fall 2014 scheduled release, SUN STIGMATAS.  Jukka doesn't mess around.

INSERT DRUM ROLL and entonces dear friends, I am pleased to announce the forthcoming release of my new 20th poetry collection--and the first book-length haybun collection:


I hope you'll find interesting this book that, in addition to addressing the plight of orphans worldwide, also addresses the poetic authorial persona and boxing.  More on such later as, for now, I just want to wallow in the feeling of birthing a new book.  It's a moment -- thank you, Poetry: you always like to mess with Moi but are also so generous with your rewards...under the category, "Poetry as a Way of Life."

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