Thursday, February 13, 2014


What poetry critics call "disjunctive" may actually be ... "schizophrenia"?  Hey, you know that saying "from the mouth of babes..."!  Anyway, I never (or rarely) respond to how others relate to my poems; I only try to learn from people's reactions.  And the latest reaction is a college student's English paper on one of my poems, "Jade" that appears in THE THORN ROSARY.  It's interesting (and amusing) to me  -- and I'm sincerely grateful that my poem received her attention.  And grateful my poems are being taught!  Here's an excerpt (not the first time, for some reason, that I've been compared to Poe):

As for imagery, her poem can also be likened to Edgar Allen Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death." The colors and moods change from each room, steadily darkening to a foreshadowing somber tone in Poe's poem.

See a college student's paper HERE!


  1. The first Filipino poet to have his collected poems published in the U.S. was strongly influenced by Poe, as mentioned in the introduction to his book, Azucena -- Marcela de Gracia Concepcion.

  2. Thanks for the info, Jean! I had a morose, excuse me, angst, period and that's the period's poems that some relate to Poe. Can't say I actually identify him as an influence. Well, actually, I should list poets that people have raised as *related* in some way to my work -- some I've/I'd not actually read ... Usually, when someone says my work is related to someone's, that's when I go check out that someone...:)
