Thursday, April 29, 2021


I release poems into the world and step back--I let the poems make their own way, or not. So I'm blessed now to share news of my first French book made possible by my poem's own words versus anything I did. I'm so glad they moved a reader who would end up being my translator--THANK YOU Samuel Rochery! And thanks, too, to Serie Discrete who is making elegant letterpress editions (not captured, I'm sure, by the reproduced cover image). You honor me by making my work your first published book of translation.

Serie Discrete is based in Bordeaux so from now on whenever I drink from my husband's Bordeaux collection I shall toast my newly-beloved French publisher!

From the Publisher:

Première traduction française d’un texte d’Eileen R. Tabios, La Vie érotique de l’artest un long poème qui retrace les aventures et les mésaventures sexuelles de quelques-uns des plus grands artistes de l’histoire de la peinture. S’insinue dans les couplets le fantôme du poète et médecin William Carlos Williams. De Goya à Pollock, en passant par Renoir, Seurat, Picasso, qu’est-ce que le sexe a fait à leur art ? Et, que le poème de leurs expériences soit ici celui d’une femme, en quoi cela peut-il changer le rapport de l’art – défini en majorité par des hommes – à l’érotisme ?"

Here are some links:
Serie Discrete:

Monday, April 26, 2021


Neil Leadbeater reviews DOVELION: A Fairy Tale for Our Times for The Halo-Halo Review. You can see entire review HERE, but here are excerpts:

True to most fairy tales, the novel opens with the traditional phrase “once upon a time” but there is nothing traditional about this novel which is at once inventive and experimental. How many times, for example, can a writer get away with describing a young woman approaching a threshold and pressing a button on an intercom to gain entry to Apartment 3J? The answer is again and again and again. Each time the reader is given a little bit more information and each time the reader is kept in suspense. There is something portentous, if not symbolic, about crossing a threshold. Tabios takes this to new heights by exploring the threshold of pain: how much a human being can withstand pain through living with actions that can have long-lasting repercussions. The repetitive, formulaic patterns seen in Part I recur in Part II “leaving darkness for light” and in other chapters where “a dictator made me an orphan. To be an orphan is to be unsure” and in Part III “Once upon a time I woke up and I was old…” These mantras punctuate multiple arrivals. The use of repetition applied in different forms throughout the novel is akin to the musical equivalent of a set of variations on a theme.

Helpful, informative notes are supplied at the end because “all stories bear appendices, notes, footnotes and postscripts” and this one is no exception. Cleverly put together, this novel will appeal to all those who are interested in autofiction and its future as a literary genre.

In the same issue, Ayo Gutierrez shares some of the "posters" she is making from her favorite lines in the novel. Here are two below; you can see the rest HERE.

I hope you will read DOVELION and love it as much as it loves you.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021


Dear World,

I am curating a "Hashtag DoveLion Travels" series on Facebook. If you would like to participate by sending me a photo/s (jpeg) of my novel in your home or resident area (any setting, with or without you), please feel free to email it to me at galateaten at gmail dot com.  Information about DOVELION is at this link:

Oh, wait. You need to get a copy first? You can get yours at



Amazon (where pre-orders are orders):

Meanwhile, here's two examples from DoveLion Travels:

Lake Chabot, California

Upper West Side, New York City

I hope to hear from you!